EViPRG draws on its members’ multidisciplinary expertise in clinical psychology, education, mental health nursing, pharmacology, psychiatry, sociology and criminology to examine the problem of violence and coercion from a wide range of perspectives, but with a common aim to prevent coercion and its impact on staff, patients and carers/family members, organisations and the society as a whole. It challenges and critiques unacceptable coercive practices in mental health.
The EViPRG Board is made up of senior and early/mid-career researchers with a wide range of methodological and applied research expertise across in the area of violence prevention and coercion in mental health settings and beyond. The board meets on a regular basis and each member has key responsibilities as indicated below.


Liaising with PHD/early career researchers

Updating membership list and keeping minutes from meetings

Web editor

Coordination and planning of membership meetings

Social media and web co-editor

Research coordinator